
Nikki Futa Domme

I decided to draw my friend Nikki as a futa. After discussing it with her (i.e. me asking mulitple times and her responding with "I don't give a fuck") about whether to go circumcised or not in the drawing, I spent a good part of yesterday at work drawing it. She and I had a good chuckle at the end result.

Nikki Futa Domme


A Bear, A Sphynx, and a Papillon

I decided to do a fur drawing since I was in an artist's block. I decided to make my fursona an American black bear since it's the state mammal from my home state. The sphynx is based off my friend Nikki and the papillon is the one I drew earlier.

MMF Furs


Lloyd Strand Pinup

I felt like doing a pinup of Lloyd to practice male anatomy. Unfortunately it just wound up with me getting frustrated at the lack of skill I have with inking and perspective. It's whatever though.

Lloyd Strand Pinup

Weiss Reclining

I worked on the pencils of this last week but the idea was Weiss relaxing on her sofa after a long day at her practice.

Weiss Reclining


Geman Shepherd

Friend asked me to draw her as a German Shepherd licking herself. I have terribly shaky hands for doing ink work. I think I'll refrain from it in the future, or maybe do hatching to shade it instead of the pencil shading with it.

Nikki Self-licking


Previous Drawing Rework

One of my friends asked to see a version of the rimjob picture I did earlier without Lloyd covering the picture. Here's another version of it

Weiss in Heat